Healthcare/Assisted Living

St. Dominic Hospital | Jackson, MS

Helping you care for your clients!

  • We understand the vital role foodservice plays in the health and well-being of hospital patients and residents of assisted living facilities.

  • From labor shortages to changes in dining to budget restraints, we understand the problems you face and are here to provide support through innovative products designed to improve efficiency, reduce labor, and control foodservice costs.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Singer H&R provides color-coded products to help manage allergen-free meals and ensure they are safe from cross-contact, addressing dietary restrictions efficiently. We also offer specialized equipment that maintains optimal food safety and quality from preparation to delivery.

  • We supply insulated carriers, meal delivery systems, heated carts, plate warmers, and refrigerated equipment, all designed to keep food at safe temperatures, enhancing food safety and the overall mealtime experience in healthcare settings.

  • Singer H&R enables facilities to offer customizable meal services, which include easy grab-and-go options and flexible dining programs. These solutions give patients more control over their dining experiences, potentially benefiting their healing process.

  • We provide a variety of stylish dining furniture and elegant dining accessories designed to create a more inviting and social dining area that enhances the overall well-being of residents.

  • With extensive inventory and robust logistics, including multiple warehouse locations, Singer H&R ensures quick delivery of essential foodservice products and equipment to healthcare and assisted living facilities across the United States.

Get in touch.

Our customers choose us because they value the unique blend of expertise, service, and genuine care. They rely on our commitment to excellence and our proactive approach to addressing their needs, making us their preferred choice over the competition.