Client-Centric Assisted Living Care

Dining facilities at assisted living and senior care residences have transitioned over the years with higher quality services that provide nutritional foods in a restaurant setting. Many centers are moving away from traditional cafeteria-style dining. Just as hospitals have discovered the advantages of offering customization of patient meals, this type of culture change to more client-centric dining has gained popularity.

Giving your residents the freedom to choose when, where, and what they want to eat can improve satisfaction scores. However, we realize that implementing this type of dining may not be cost-effective for your establishment. Staff shortages and lack of available space may make this type of dining difficult for you to implement.

If you would like to experiment with a more client-centric menu, there are some simple steps you might try. You can start by adding specialty food or hydration stations so that guests can choose different menu items and possibly serve themselves. We offer portable stoves and grills for action station cooking, beverage carts for self-serve hydration stations, and easy-to-set-up catering accessories, which make it easy to assemble mini buffets that can enhance your existing menu offerings.